About Us

Our Story

Palouse Environmental Services (PES)

is an environmental geochemical/ hydrogeochemical/ soil chemical and environmental microbiological consulting firm located in Pullman, Southeastern Washington just at the border of Idaho and Washington. PES is run by a group of senior and experienced environmental geochemists and soil scientists. Our professional and scientifically open approach aims to address various environmental issues scientifically and in a timely fashion.

PES is a certified Small Business and a Minority Business Enterprise.

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Behind The Scene

About Owner

Mohammed R Islam, Ph.D

President, CEO, and Principal Environmental Geochemist

Palouse Environmental Services, LLC

Dr. Mohammed R. Islam received his Ph.D. in 1996 from the Institute of Geosciences, University of Oulu, Finland. Dr. Islam’s Ph.D. research area was ‘the comparison of chemical weathering phenomena between climatically two different regions – Finnish Lapland and Bangladesh. Dr. Islam has 28 years of research and teaching experience in environmental geochemical/hydrogeochemical, environmental microbiological, radiochemical, mineralogical, biochemical, soil chemical, soil physical, and Astro biological research. Dr. Islam has conducted his Postdoctoral research and teaching at the Finnish Geological Survey (Environmental Geochemistry), Duke University (Earth and Ocean Sciences), University of Idaho (Environmental Biotechnology Institute, Soil Sciences, and Biology Departments), and in Washington State University (Geology, Crop & Soil Sciences, Food Science and Human Nutrition, Animal Sciences and in Civil & Environmental Engineering Departments). Dr. Islam’s main research area is arsenic and other toxic metal contaminations of ground/surface water and soil in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Finnish Lapland, Norway, and in United States. Dr. Islam has published 13 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 15 in conference proceedings, and has delivered more than 14 scientific talks and poster presentations at international conferences. Dr. Islam has been serving as an Adjunct Faculty in the Crop & Soil Sciences Department (Soil Chemistry), at Washington State University, Pullman, WA since 2013.

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